Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Welcome to the Al Murshed Law Firm’s Legal Notices section. This area is dedicated to providing transparent and essential information about our legal practice’s structure, ethical standards, and operational guidelines. At Al Murshed, we pride ourselves on our commitment to integrity, professional excellence, and our ability to offer comprehensive legal solutions.

1. Global Legal Structure and Regulatory Information

Al Murshed Law Firm, with its headquarters nestled in the heart of Abu Dhabi, UAE, operates with a global perspective, offering a wide array of legal services. Our firm is distinguished by its strategic alliances, including a notable Legal Joint Venture with Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, a prestigious law firm based in Spain. This collaboration enhances our ability to serve a diverse international clientele, ensuring access to extensive legal expertise across borders.

Al Murshed Law Firm Headquarters:

Our main office in Abu Dhabi serves as the cornerstone of our operations, where we blend local legal acumen with a global vision to cater to the multifaceted needs of our clients.

International Collaborations:

Our global reach is amplified through strategic partnerships and associations with law firms worldwide, such as our Legal Joint Venture with Gómez-Acebo & Pombo. These collaborations allow us to provide seamless legal services on an international scale backed by a vast network of legal experts.

Regulatory Compliance:

We adhere strictly to the legal and regulatory frameworks governing each jurisdiction in which we operate. Our team of professionals is committed to upholding the principles of legal practice as defined by both local and international regulatory bodies.

2. Complaints Procedure

At Al Murshed Law Firm, client satisfaction is paramount. Should there be any aspect of our service that does not meet your expectations, we encourage open communication. Please direct your concerns or complaints to our dedicated Client Relations team, who are committed to resolving matters efficiently and in accordance with our firm’s comprehensive complaint resolution protocol.

3. Website Use Terms and Conditions

Access to and use of the Al Murshed Law Firm website are governed by these terms and conditions, ensuring a secure and respectful online environment. By utilizing our website, you agree to comply with these terms, which encompass our privacy policy (hyperlink) and any applicable country-specific legal requirements.

4. Country-Specific Legal Compliance

Recognising the importance of local legal nuances, Al Murshed Law Firm is dedicated to operating in strict compliance with the laws and regulations of each country where we have a presence. This section elucidates our commitment to adhering to country-specific legal standards, ensuring our global operations remain respectful of local jurisdictions.

5. Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Aligned with our ethical values, Al Murshed Law Firm is staunchly opposed to all forms of slavery and human trafficking. Our statements in this regard reflects our proactive measures to ensure these practices are unequivocally excluded from our operations and supply chains.

6. Anti-Tax Evasion Policy

In line with our ethical business practices, Al Murshed Law Firm adopts a zero-tolerance approach toward tax evasion and its facilitation. Our international policies are designed to ensure transparency, legality, and integrity in all our financial dealings in full accordance with applicable tax laws.

7. Data Protection and Privacy

The safeguarding of personal information is a top priority for Al Murshed Law Firm. Our Data Protection and Privacy Policy outlines the stringent measures we implement to protect personal data, ensuring compliance with relevant data protection legislation.

For further details or inquiries regarding our legal notices, please reach out to our Compliance Office. (

Please note that our Legal Notices are subject to periodic updates to reflect changes in our policies, practices, or regulatory requirements.